For many people debt is a fact of life. House and car payments spring to mind, not many of us can pay for these items in one big cash payment. Once you factor in credit cards and unexpected expenses your debt can get out of hand quickly. After you’ve fallen behind it is very difficult to catch up. But there are services that are able to help, like CuraDebt. Read our full Curadebt review to find out more.
So What Can CuraDebt Do for Me?
CuraDebt is a debt specialist company based in Hollywood, Florida. They have been performing a variety of debt-related services such as debt consolidation, debt settlements, tax debt relief, loan modifications, and more for over a decade. They are also members in good standing with the business associations listed below.
It is important to note that CuraDebt does not provide debt relief services in the following states: CO, CT, GA, ID, IL, KS, ND, NH, OR, SC, VT, WA, WI and WV. If you’re in a state that CuraDebt doesn’t service take a look at our second choice, National Debt Relief, they operate in some of these states.
CuraDebt is a member in good standing of AFCC (American Fair Credit Council), the largest and oldest association of debt settlement companies. In order to be a member of AFCC, a company has to follow a stringent set of requirements, disclosures as well as maintain them through continual review.
The goal behind following the guidelines as taught by The International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators is to give you the best possible service as well as savings in your debt settlement or debt negotiation program.
The CuraDebt staff is well-trained and experienced in negotiating with banks and creditors. Getting lower interest rates and reduced settlement amounts require a professional staff.
The CuraDebt Review
One thing is for sure, there is no shortage of debt consolidation companies on the Internet. Over the last few years we’ve tested and reviewed several debt consolidation companies but none of them lived up to our expectations. Recently one of our testers had a positive experience with CuraDebt.
After filling out one of the short forms at the CuraDebt website we were quickly contacted by one of their debt specialists. The representative was polite and gladly answered the list of questions we had about the service. After gathering additional information about our debt situation they performed an analysis over the course of the next few days. We were then given a complete rundown of what they could do to help with our debt.
Money Back Guarantee – CuraDebt offers a 100% money back guarantee on all of their debt services.
Our tester had managed to rack up a sizeable amount of credit card debt over the years. Though he was generally able to make the minimum payment the debt stayed about the same. High-interest rates meant that the minimum payment was basically just paying on the interest.
CuraDebt was able to negotiate lower interest rates from the credit card companies. The multiple monthly bills were consolidated into one payment. Another method they used was applying more towards the higher interest debts first. This would eliminate these debts more quickly and save more money in the long run. Overall our tester was able to reduce his monthly payment to a much more affordable amount.
CuraDebt’s fee of 20% is pretty standard for the industry. We’ve seen 15% in rare cases with other companies but we have also seen higher fees.
It’s been 6 months since he enrolled in CuraDebt’s debt consolidation program. By paying on time he has put a serious dent in his credit card debt. According to our calculations, he should be free of his credit card debt in under a year.
Curadebt Reviews From Around the Web
BBB Reviews
Curadebt is listed as NR (not rated) with the BBB. Still, they have mostly good reviews: 20 positive, 1 neutral and 1 negative. They have 2 customer complaints.
Google Reviews
Curadebt does well on Google reviews: 4.8 out of 5 based on 20 reviews.
Facebook Reviews
We were not able to find any Facebook reviews for Curadebt.
CuraDebt Review Overall 
CuraDebt reviewed well with our tester. The staff is easy to work with and they were able to negotiate with our creditors. Overall they beat out the other debt consolidation companies we reviews.
If you’re overwhelmed by debt we highly recommend checking out CuraDebt.
Business Contact and Profile for Curadebt
Name: | Curadebt Systems, LLC |
Phone: | (877) 850-3328 |
Address: | 4000 Hollywood Blvd STE 555S -
Hollywood, FL 33021-6853 |
Website: | |
Business Started: | 2008 |
Type of Business: | Debt Consolidation |
Principal: | Mr. Eric M Pemper, President |
BBB Accreditation: | This business is not BBB accredited. |